

Why I love what I do

hannahs kitchen milwaukee wisconsin kosher food

The show the Marvelous Mrs Maisel has been on my mind a lot lately.  When the show first came out there were similarities to her life and mine, and people also compared me to her personality wise.  I would watch…

Shabbat and family

hannahs kitchen mke shabbat

Growing up we went to my grandparents house most Friday nights, as you walked in the door you were greeted with the delicious smells of chicken soup, challah, cake and more!  The house was bustling with my aunts, uncles, and…

Cafe B Data Updates

hannahs kitchen mke, hannah sattler head chef and owner. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Opening the cafe in January has been a great experience, seeing the community visiting, laughing, enjoying and playing together again is amazing!  We have all gotten out of our routines of being together for so long and as people are starting to get…

Happy Hanukkah

happy Hanukkah hannah's kitchen mke

Today while catching up on computer work after a VERY busy start to Hanukkah, I was listening to a show and a rabbi talked about the meaning behind the lighting of the Hanukkiah (the menorah we use for Hanukkah).  We…

Rosh Hashanah 2022

rosh Hashanah hannahs kitchen milwaukee wisconsin

5782 has been an amazing year for Hannah’s Kitchen, we have grown in so many ways.  We have a great amazing and strong team that is truly enjoying the creativity, connection with the community and the challenges that come our way weekly!  One…
